Sonntag, 8. Februar 2009

The perfect soulmate

Once again, I’m „getting drunk“ with music, drowning in tunes and beats and lyrics, miracously taken on a journey in spheres where the petty problems of todays world seem to be not important anymore...
While I’m in this state, I’m thinking about my life and how satisfied I am with it at the moment. I guess I can’t complain, I have some choices at hand right now and the few things that bother me are things that I can’t really influence, so it’ll be a good lesson in patience...the one thing though, that I haven’t been paying too much attention to lately, is the search for a person, with whom I could share such moments like the one I describe above:

The perfect soulmate

Nowadays, it seems to be easy to enter ones life, at least at a very superficial way...with all those social networks and the trend to exhibit every single detail of your private life to the rest of the world(may they be interested or not), it’s not very hard to “see” things from others and get a first impression. What’s harder though is to differ and to be more precise about the way you judge a person. In many cases, a simple look at their pictures, their posture and the empty “yada yada” they put in their self descriptions gives you a good image and helps you to find out whether or not you want to get this person better or not and whether or not you might be compatible. Also, in some cases, there might be a lot of informations, but it’s written in a certain way or style and it might attract you or turn you off.
After all, it can’t be more than a door opener though. Nothing can replace real life experience and a real life meeting. But the world wide web can save you time(or it can “eat up” most of it) by helping you to make your choice.

I think everyone of us is trying to find someone to share moments in his life with(or even all of his life), but we’re not all alike in our search. Some people only want to find a certain kind of friends, friends who’ll “comfort” you and say yes and amen to everything you say. Well, if that works for those people, who am I to blame them? Some other people are trying to find more “depth” in the inner-human relation and they might probably suffer a harder time, trying to find people with that certain amount of depth. I know I do.
If you’d ask me what kind of person I’m looking for, it would be a lot of characteristicas I’d have to name.
First of all, I’m not really that interested in the look of a person, at least not in the first place. In my opinion, looks are strongly influenced by your persona and if you suck as a human being, I don’t care who calls you gorgeous, I probably won’t ever do that and I’d probably never end up spending time with you(unless it’s some sort of research or field study maybe).
Then again, I can’t say that looks can’t add some attraction. The look I’d go for is rather gloomy and melancholical, with a strong aura...the type of person that prefers to be alone, rather than to waste time with shallow people who have nothing in common with that person and vice versa...a person with a creative mind, that emits hair might come in handy, but I could picture such a person with blonde hair too, or maybe brown...
Most certainly, I’m NOT into some stupid emo kid, I don’t like those “trend slaves” who don’t even know what they’re moping about. They’re rather an insult to all those people who really suffer from things like depressions or border line syndroms.
It should be a very rational person that tends to follow rather rational thinking than emotions, while knowing when it’s in place to feel and live emotions too. A person that can be a leader, a determined person that always has a plan for his/her life and that can cope with any changes on its way to get there.
It also should be a person who has a certain cultural interest. I’ve met many people lately who have no interest in literature or art or anything like that. Sometimes, it’s even worse and the person is trying to tell me, that movies with Lindsay Lohan are art or that the book “chickensoup for the soul” is a masterpiece of literature...gosh, you people should really be ashamed of yourself! Bad enough that you seem to have no good taste, I could still tolerate that...but do you have to insult people with a different taste?
Or those people who told me “I don’t read, it gives me a headache/gives me wrinkles”...I really had to control myself not to slap them silly with a book:S!
While we’re at it: I am a huge movie fan! Movies and music and tv series are some of the basics in my life and a potential soulmate should have the same basics or should be able to totally understand my true love for those three things. I’d probably choose my dvd collection over most people on earth at any time, so you’d have to understand why I feel this way and it would be perfect, if you feel the same way.
I’m a fan of witty, sarcastic or even cynical humour. For me, it’s a lot of fun to use word games or puns and I feel challenged if movies/series are full of parodies or call backs...

Another thing that I’m looking for in a potential soulmate is an understanding for romance and romantic situations. Now I know that romance is something that everyone will define differently, so I should state my definition of it:
A romantic situation for me can be:
-a ride in a car at night, looking out of the window into the night, while listening to some melancholical music
-laying on your back at the beach/on a meadow, watching the stars and embracing the universe(if maybe not physical, at least with your heart and soul).
-enjoying the sound of the wind at night while you’re in the middle of an area that’s busy during the day, but that offers nocturnal peace and a calm atmosphere

Those are just examples, I hope though, that they can show what kind of romance I’m talking about.
To be my soulmate, you don’t have to tell me that you love me or to actually love, hate, to like someone or to dislike...these things will come and go and they’re just words anyhoo, unless you fill them with life...but to do so, you have to prove it with your actions and that makes the words sort of obsolete anyway...Just don’t ever rush things, it’s easy to say something, but not easy to take it make sure you mean it, if you say something.
I guess that would describe what kind of person I’m trying to find, so I could say “this is my perfect soulmate”. I am well aware of the fact, that I might never be able to find a person that can fulfill 100% of my hopes and wishes...but who knows, maybe that’s part of the whole idea? Maybe I need some dreams to be unfulfilled, in order to keep at least this hope(after withdrawing others, once I was forced to face reality). I’ll have to wait and see...

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