Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

Oh dream girl, where are thou?

Do you know this feeling when a dream you have is still in your head for the whole next day? I had such a dream last night...
In my dream, I was hanging out with my old friends from school, Steffen and Jakob. Although I haven’t seen either of them since 2006 in reality, I dreamt about them quite often lately. Usually, the whole scenery had to do with my old class chums too and I think this was the surrounding pictureframe for this dream too.
Unfortunately, I can’t remember the bigger part in the beginning(the one that ended with me, waking up around 3am), but what I kept in mind is that I’ve been with my class(or something similar, it was a group for sure though) on a sort of field trip. I think we were travelling with either an overproportioned plane or a blimp. It was kinda “classy” and “old school” and we landed at this old airfield, kinda like Lakehurst. After the landing, the others were visiting a museum or something like that and we were supposed to stay there for at least until the evening(it was morning when we arrived). I wasn’t really fond on hanging with the group(just like in reality), so I was taking a hike on my own and abandoned them. That’s where a part is missing again(the part “how I met her”, or maybe there was no such parts and my memory is already playing tricks on me?). Anyhoo, I met this really, really gorgeous girl(looked Asian, I think in the dream I thought of her as Chinese) with wonderful, long black n silky hair, beautiful appearance from head to toe, face like a statue(but not motionless, just so royal). She was accompanied by her friend(who wasn’t ugly too). I found myself talking to them and one of the first thing I noticed about her was her huge self confidence, she almost seemed sort of cocky. Nevertheless, I was fascinated by her. Coming to think of it, those really classy chicks with this attitude are the kinda girls I always had a thing for...Saskia, the only German girl that still might get me excited until now had that attitude too when we were younger and kept bossing me and her sister around and eventhough I hated it, she had something about her that I couldn’t resist...the same thing fitted on this Asian girl I had just met.
I wasn’t sure what to think of her and when she and her friend brought me to some sort of shack and started acting all flirtatious and promiscious, I was somewhat disappointed, but also thought I shouldn’t judge them too fast cause assuming usually is a huge mistake. They brought me to a matress or something like that and her friend was taking of her jeans n undies while I was already lying on my back(I think they pushed me down, softly but determined). She was “sitting” over my face with her best parts pointing at my lips...I could smell her odour and I might have even slipped out my tongue and “tasted” her(hell, it was a dream, so don’t crucify me, ok?)...but since this was only her friend and not the girl I had laid an eye on, I was reluctant to do more than that. After her friend saw that her seduction isn’t really working on me, she moved away and the girl I actually wanted came to me. I don’t think there were words involved, but it was like she was telling me with telepathy “Good job, you don’t seem to be like all the other jerks and now I’ll reward you for being nice(r)”. So she came to me and started to go down on me, moving her head quite fast while I was fingering her(did I mention already that she was also “pantless”? If not, she was!). Even now it’s awkward for me that this all happened, but somehow it seems to be normal for my dreams where I meet fascinating chicks, it always spins around sex somehow...the funny part though is that there’s never any actual intercourse...either it just doesn’t happen, cause it’s not really about that or those parts of the dream are just wiped out in the second I wake up...but even in my dream conscience, I can’t remember anything going on...well, nevertheless, as awkward as it might have been, it felt kinda nice...everything was so tender and soft, may it be the way she “served” me or the way she felt. I couldn’t help myself but to feel overwhelmed by romantic feelings(as odd as this may sound). I just felt that I have to “own” this girl, that I had to make her “mine”. And again, without that words were actually necessary, it seemed like we decided simultaniously that we want to be together(forever). The very moment that happened, the whole sex n nudity-thing ended and I think we were hugging each other.
I know that in reality, it is quite impossible for me to feel any feeling close to liking someone or even loving someone, but in my dreams? Oh boy, I was falling for this girl faster than an apple falls from a tree...I would have married her right away and started a family with her and wasn’t just that her appearance was close to perfection(at least for me), well, not just close, she was perfect! But it was more that feeling she gave me...although she had this cocky aura, I felt that it’s a lot of show too...and even it’s a part of her personality, it was rather a turn on and reason to be with her rather than to see it as negative. At least she wasn’t a spineless shallow floozie...
Coming to think of it, most girls in the dreams I had were like that(btw, just for those who think I can only be with Asians: Most of the girls in those dreams were Caucasian)...they have it in common that they are all somewhat rebellish, they are all eyecandys(but not in the “vogue” kinda way), they are all girls I’ve never met, but they also seem to be sooo familiar...all of them seem to have a telephatic communication with me where words aren’t necessary anymore and each dream ends the same way, I wake up before I can actually make the girl “mine” and/or kiss her:(
Same thing happened here...I was just there with her, hugging her, wishing that I’d never wake up and never had to let go when my teacher(or some bozo who was leading the field trip) came a-knockin’ and told me that there’s a problem with the blimp/plane(or whatever our ride was) and that we’d either have to leave now or another day( I think he said both, which doesn’t make sense, but hey, it’s a dream, so what the heck). I couldn’t care less actually, was my most urgent dream to be with this godess and I would be where she is, even if she’s living in abyss...I guess I would have even sold my soul at that time if I could have just spent more time with her...
And I really got some more time with her...we were in some sort of park/mall where people were walking around a big pond, shopping and sightseeing and wasn’t really important to me...what was important to me though was that I was there with HER! We were walking around, I had putted my arm around her and felt a bit silly(but the good way) and like a schoolboy, but soooo happy...quite drunk and stoned on love, I guess...coming to think of it, I think I hardly ever felt that way(at least not as strong) in real life...and the last time I felt a feeling close to this was in 2006, summer. Maybe another sign that my dreams are already overshadowing reality?
Another thing I noticed was that the skies in my dreams were hung with grey and dark clouds, like in ALL(and I mean ALL) my dreams since the last 5 years or so. Nevertheless, it’s not something depressing or gloomy(at least not for me), it’s rather giving the whole thing a post-apocalyptic touch...well, not in this case had the charme of a rainy day and made things actually more romantic.
To get back to the dream: We were walking around this pond, talking about our future(I think?) and we decided to take a picture together. So I was putting my head next to hers and took the photo...funny enough, the picture looked kinda weird...I looked totally different from the way I actually look and I think so did she...
After that, the dream entered that stage between “I’m awake already” and “I’m still dreaming, please don’t end the dream now!”. It felt like someone pulled the plug in the bathtub and the water was creating a twirl around the sink...I tried my best not to get sucked in; would it mean that I had to “wake up” and leave this wonderful world that’s so much better than the depressing reality we call “life”...but I couldn’t:(. It’s moments like that where I hope I could leave my body and move to dreamland or allow doctors to put me in a coma for some years so I could dream of that place again and start a life there.
You may call it escaping from reality(and you may be right about that), but it makes me think why dreams always beat reality and why I can feel so much for them and through them. Even now, 4 hours after I woke up, I am still yearning for that girl, yearning for her touch, her kiss, her proximity...I’d sell everything I have, burn down my house and kill my family(well, ok, maybe not that) to get one day with her in reality...simply because reality bites and I think it’s impossible for me to find someone like her in real life. The girls I fancy are only wandering around in my dreams or maybe in movies, but that’s because those 2 places are both a product of our imagination. Romance is created by imagination too, maybe that’s the reason why I’m quite hopeless? I mean, the girls I meet in my dreams(or sometimes see in movies/series), they tick my way, they think how I think, they feel how I feel and they can understand me, even without words involved. It’s this mutual understanding and this already naive way of feeling about things, despite all the negative things there are in reality...Why, oh why can’t I be there now:(? If I’d know I’d end up there if I’d shot myself in the head now, I’d do it!

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