Sonntag, 8. Februar 2009

Love’s NOT divine(or „Why are girls so darn impatient“)

“Hey Florian, how’s your girlfriend” or “Hey Florian, I heard you have a girlfriend now” is what I had to hear quite often lately...statements that are, no doubt, made from blind people who love to assume or jump in conclusions...Well, either that, or it’s a really cheap way to find out whether or not I’m in a relationship(although people would only have to read my profile properly to find out about that).
Usually, I react with a mix out of “being upset” and “being frustrated” on these questions. It feels like, just because most people usually jump from one “relationship” to another, they except me to be just the same way. Well, those people obviously don’t know me one bit.
I mean, is it wrong to have high standards and to be picky? I heard from a lot of people that they think it would make me cocky or that I’d always be single then, if I have high standards or if I expect certain standards to be what the heck?
First of all, why would it be of your concern whether or not I’m single or alone? Did it ever cross your mind that not everyone wants to live life the way you do? Did it ever dawn to you people, that maybe you are not the center of the world and that not everything you say or think has to be worlds only truth and therefore, you are NOT perfect, nor is your opinion the guideline for the rest of the world? Or that maybe the majority isn’t always right, just because they’re more numerous than the minority?
Yes, I am a picky me cocky then, if that’s what you think, but I think it’s not cocky at all to have high standards if you try to find a person you want to spend the rest of your life with(that’s at least what I want, I have my honest doubt if that’s what those people want, who think they’re in love after the first date or maybe the first three dates). Even if that would make me cocky...does being cocky have to be something negative then? I prefer being like this at anytime if the alternative is, that I’d have obviously no pride or dignity whatsoever. And that’s what I see from other people, if you ask me.
I’m more or less single since May 2007. But hey, that’s ok for me and it’s also because I decided that the right girl just hasn’t crossed my path yet...sure, some persons were promising, but it takes time(and you SHOULD take that time) to find out how compatible you really are. I learned from my past relationships that I should rather rely on rational thinking and NOT on stupid emotions who’d just blind me anyway, “drug” me into false conclusions and would lead to glorification. I heard from a lot of people that you have to learn from your experiences and that you should use them in order to avoid to make the same mistakes in the future...yet, I can’t see that those people would stick with their own propagated rules...on the contrary, the exact same persons always find loopholes to tell me why exactly this guy or this girl is the exception from the rule. Talking about self delusion;)…
It just upsets me more and more how those people are trying to indoctrinate me with their hypocritical blabber…they would be right about it basically, but c’mon, how can I take people for serious who don’t follow their own rules? “Practise what you preach!“ is all I can say about that.
And yet another thing...each time I talked to a girl who’s just been at the end of a relationship or who’s just been left behind or broke up with her boyfriend, the girl told me that she will learn her lesson from this and she won’t use her emotion only this time and that she’ll be patient and cautious to find a better guy next to three weeks later, 99% of those girls are already in a new relationship(I know some who even got engaged after the first month or so). What the f**k? And you people think you can indoctrinate me?
I have no idea how mature I am or how to measure maturity, I think it’s another relative thing and it depends on each and everyones single definition of it...but c’mon, shouldn’t girls, who always brag so much about how “mature” and “superior” they are and what good choices they make be more self critical and especially less delusional? It’s not even like I think they couldn’t know about this...but they WANT to keep their eyes closed and blind out reality...
Dear girls...if you want to be like that, ok...but could you please STOP blaming other people for their lifestyle, just because you envy us subconsciously? And could you please be or at least act more adult and stop being so damn moody?
Cause that’s the other side of the medal...girls, who are just back on the market tend to give hope to everyone very quickly, almost as if they’re too desperate they could still be single by the end of the week...they don’t seem to consider what harm they might do or what hopes they might raise...and that guys, who are pretty much the same like they are could be seriously hurt or disappointed, because they got their hopes up all high and whatnot? I know that girls demand this from me and other guys non stop, so how come they don’t have to play by the same rules? Not fair, if you ask me...
I mean, what are you doing this for anyway? I’ve seen it just way too often, girls getting their hopes up high, rushing from relationship to relationship...and for what? For “love”? Love’s NOT divine! It’s not magic or a myth or whatever you think it is! It’s a simple chemical reaction in your brain and I’m sure if you’d talk to some narcs, they might tell you that some drugs might have just the same effect on you...and same like drug users, people who make love into something “divine” seem to be ready to suffer much more than they benefit from “love”. They put theirself in any hardship to get a feeling and the time they suffer cause of that hardship is like 75-90% of their time, while the “love” feeling is usually only like 10-25% of the time(if not less, it depends how “short” your “relationship” will be, the shorter, the more “good” feeling you will have).
I’m not saying that I don’t believe in love(some people said that that’s the impression they got from me lately), I’m just saying that love’s not divine and I don’t believe in romantic love. I mean, let’s face’s not so different from feelings like thirst, hunger or pain...a feeling that will not last forever...for some, it might last longer, for some it might last shorter...but all in all, it’s a feeling that’ll fade...and once that happened, it depends on how good a choice you made and how compatible you really are, cos that’s when rational things show that they matter and not emotions...

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