Samstag, 27. September 2008


What is love? What is hate? The answer to those questions might be easier to answer for some people and harder for the others...I'm among "the others", since I don't like to make hasty, too quick judgements and decisions, if I'm not 100% sure or convinced about something.

Same case here...Until now(since I was born), I'm still trying to figure out what love definitely is and what hate definitely is.

In some cases, it's easy...but, then again, that's more or less just my personal definition then, while I'm trying to find one, fitting on both, me and general people. And that's harder.

At the moment, I just know that I HATE all the people who claim to be in love...

Most of all, I had their hypocrisy. A lot of those people claimed to be on the same side like me just a couple of months ago...example:
I happened to get to know this really shallow girl, a friend of my shallow first ex gf...happened to "meet" her on a...well, let's say a datingsite for adolescents.

I'm being there, more or less for research reasons, eventhough I like to tell myself that it's more(but looking at my activities due to it, it's not).
Anyways, she's the one who showed some interest there at first...asked me to add her in facebook, and then we sent each other messages. Pretty fast, while I was still small talking, to be polite and gentle, she made it clear to me, that all she's looking for, is (and I quote): "plain no-strings-attached-fun" and "getting laid"...she specifically said, that she does NOT want any kind of relationships(I supposed from the comments she exchanged with her braindead squeeze, that she's just been dumped or been cheated by a guy she "loved"(whatever those foolish people call love)).

I was kinda amused by her attitude, mostly, since I didn't have ANY intetions to do her...

But I played her game, as I like to manipulate such braindead broads and it's always an interesting as a research about human behaviour.

Maybe 2 weeks before I went to Indonesia, she suddenly stopped replying my messages(telling me in her last one that she'd go to Bali cos she "needs to get laid").

I wasn't disappointed or anything, just a bit pissed, because I sure as hell know, that those kinda people are not even aware of the fact, that they act so she did, by asking ME first to meet her and then suddenly changing her mind, without telling big problem actually, but it's about principles...

Well, anyways, I never really thought of her again anyways until I came back here and happened to stumble over her profile again...
So just out of curiousity, I asked her what happened...she told me, that she stopped "playing" and became a "good girl" now(yeah right, my ass!) and that she never wanted to meet me, so she didn't contact me...

I was amazed by such blunt lies, even more, since I had the exhibits still resting in my inbox...I told her, that I think that it's a pretty stupid reason and that she's contradicting herself...but of course(like I could have telled), she didn't react on logic and me, having a point...

I also told her, that I want her to mark my words and that I'm sure that she'll be single again in just a few weeks or months...

And this is where my example ends...I've countless examples like that, of countless people who're acting like this in one way or the other...

I might not even be that angry and upset, if they wouldn't be so contradicting and absolutely childish...but they are!

I can say that I'm seriously giving some thoughts about the issue of "what love is", but do they? It just makes me angry, if people want to preach to me...I can tolerate other opinions, I can accept them and I can also accept them as correct(and therefore, that mine wouldn't be), but I can only do that, if it's based on logic and some good reasons, making sense...

But I can't accept it, if it's totally obvious that those people are just way too ignorant and stupid to actually.

And yet, that's just the one group of people...the other group isn't really much better in my eyes...

The interesting thing here might be, that I was probably a member of this group myself for a long time...I'd like to refer to this group as the "romantic self deceivers"

These people can either be nice and naive all the time, or they can actually be quite smart and clever and educated, but it both ends the same way:
They(think) they fell in love, and suddenly, it's like the lost their brain...they become blind and deaf to obvious mistakes and criticism and spread disgusting happiness. It's like they want to tell the whole world: "Hey, listen up, I just lost my senses, please cheer for me!"

It's somehow funny and sad actually...but I can't laugh nor cry about it...I can just shake my head about this. It's like those people suddenly have nothing but their petty relationship problems all of a sudden...all the things which REALLY matter in life suddenly don't seem to be important anymore...

I admit that some people show a long breath and keep up the image for quite a long time...but in most of these cases, those relationships hardly pass more than a few weeks, months or sometimes years...if I'd be in their shoes, I'd be more careful about such statements like "I love you" or even more about "I will ALWAYS love you/love you forever".

We all know that we shouldn't say things that we can't prove with our actions...and words are cheap.

Now I know many people will feel like crucifying me for saying this, but think again...

Open your eyes and take a look around you please...look at your "perfect partners"...aren't they sort of replacable? You might think(I can't use the word think actually, let's replace it with "feel") that your significant other is so good and great and better than your ex...but do you remember all your ex's? Do you also remember, that you felt the same way about them?
What if I tell you now, that it WAS the same way? And it will ALWAYS be that way again in the future? At least eventually...just give it some time...

I think it's just because that's the human nature...we aren't made to be together for eternity, we're made to mate...just cut the crap and get down to business, it's really as simple as that...

And I'll stand corrected, if someone proves me the opposite, but it'll take more than some simple examples or jibber jabber about "feelings".

I stopped sympathizing with the "nice people" and those who believe in love(or at least don't acknowledge, that love is more or less just a hoax)...they're obviously not the kind of people who're kinda like me or think sort of the way I think...and since I am searching people like that, I know I won't find them in this group.

But then which group should I sympathize with? Well, I'm actually not a sucker for groups anyway, I'm more of a loner, mostly cause of the lack of alternatives...but yeah, like I said, I'm searching for likewise minds...

Currently, I start thinking, if I shouldn't take a closer look at the group of players and womanizers(or their female counterparts).
They sure as hell have no good standing, but if you cut out all the shallowness and stupidity and plain sexual arousment, that keeps them going, you can extract some interesting key strategies and patterns.

I can say that I agree about some of their behaviour, since I feel the same way many times...

For instance, why should you be forced or guilted into a relationship with someone, if all you've in common, is that you're sexually attractive to each other? Do we REALLY want such people to breed and have children? Gee, what kind of zombie-like creatures would that be:S? Do we want the world to be dominated by a bunch of braindead folks, only kept going by their most primal instincts? I mean, we already have that now, but imagine it like 5 times as bad? Gee, it surely gives me nightmares!

I've had it with people who tried to blackmail me with their feelings or to guilt me with am I really being mean or a bastard, if I insist on being honest, instead of lying?
I had such a case with a girl I've met about 1 year ago...first time we met, she already jumped me, without me actually wanting that...due to that, she probably thought that she has some sort of exclusive right on me, but hey, I never said so. And it wasn't me who started things, so why should I be blamed? Who says no to a free meal?

Her problem was, that she tried to push me into saying: "I love you" when she said it to me. But first of all, I didn't buy it, secondly, I thought it's quite ludicrous, after just a day or two and last, but not least, I never felt that way about her.
So should I really tell her lies? According to my experience, the average girl would say: "yes, you should", as they obviously prefer a nice lie over the truth. I've been blamed countless times to be a "insensitive jerk" or whatever, just because I was standing my point and didn't lie about this. Am I wrong? Isn't it always said, that all girls want to have a guy who's honest, who's open about his feelings and all that crap?
Well, I think what girls really want, is what girls actually never want to admit.

Just like the myth, that guys are just thinking with the part of their body that's inbetween their legs...I'll be damned to say that I can speak for all girls in the world, but until today, most of the girls I've met were far away from being innocent and at least as much interested in sex as most guys I know. I actually see nothing wrong or bad there, I just hate how some keep telling me, that guys are scum and girls are saints...

Don't get me wrong, most guys ARE scum(maybe me included), but so are most girls I know...and at least guys are pretty stupid or lazy or both, so it's never too hard to see their real intentions. But some girls are really good, they're much better at hiding and they love to play the game of camouflage...the funny thing is, they also love to camouflage this fact and they'd rather die in a firery hell, than to admit, that I'm right about this. (I'm talking about the majority of girls I've met, who kept talking crap about this)

So we're still not making any progress,'s hard for me to give a definite answer to what those two words actually mean. I mean, I do know, that I hate people who keep telling me that they're in love(and for all the people who think that it's cos I'm jealous, you're wrong, even though I'm pretty sure you'll think I'm just not mature enough to admit I'd be jealous, but trust me, it's more complicated than to make jealously the answer) and I know that I love some movies, tv series and songs so much more than actual persons...but that's still not specific enough, to lead to a really satisfying definition of those words, at least for me.

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