Montag, 14. Juli 2008

The Asian threat(talking about seductive and addictive brainwashing)

So lately I've started this new practical training at the Fraunhofer Institution in Stuttgart, near the campus of the Stuttgart university…every day, I enter the train, passing Rohr, Vaihingen, Österfeld and then Universität. Until then, I'm still together with the sell-outs in their monkey suits...but once I left the train...TEMPTATIONS! Everywhere I look, I see Asians, they frolic freely, roaming across the campus and in the subway station...

And each time I see them, I feel like someone who's on a diet while he has to pass through a gourmet restaurant each day before he can reach his work place...I'm cursing and swearing about "Damn, what a torture, screw you, destiny, with your cruel jokes" while I'm trying to resist the urge to throw myself in front of the next train because I don't have the time to try to hook up with any of these nice students and I curse the other non-Asian students and wish they'd all drop dead...lousy, lucky punks, you don't even know how lucky you really are, do you?

But what is it about Asians that I love so much? Do I love all Asians? Do I love only Asians?

Well...I'd like to answer some of these questions here...

I. What I love about Asians?

Well...that's not really easy to answer...I think it's their fine complexion, their almond-shaped eyes and their long, black silky hair. I love their caring personality and their simplicity about certain things. Unlike many girls I've met here, they don't really make such a big fuss about everything, it's not like a knights quest to find out whether she's interested or not...either she likes you and you'll know, or she isn't interested and you'll know too...Cauci girls, why don't you learn from your Asian sisters here?

II. Do I love all Asians?

Not really...well, I guess I've to say that I'm not actually a racist or xenophobic. It just happened to be comfortable for me to maintain certain prejudices about certain groups, cos they proved me right over and over again about their simplicity and stupidity and their shallowness, while other groups didn't...but just to be fair, I sure as hell know a lot of people in Asia who aren't much different from all the fucked up morons I've to deal with over here every day...

Mainly, I hate Caucasians for their ignorance and lack of tolerance...but then again, I've seen that in Asia many, many times...but, being used to it from here, I guess I became more tolerant about it and I tend to pick the raisins while I leave the messy dough...

So no, I definitely don't love all Asians as I definitely don't hate all Caucasians...I just try to see myself as a global citizen and not particularly belonging to a certain nation whatsoever. Asia just has the benefit to come along with rather pleasant and more suitable conditions for my needs. That's probably the whole secret:). But yeah, I've to admit, I'm really into Japanese, Korean and Chinese...yet on the other hand, I didn't had too much to do with them, I especially never met any Korean or Japanese so this is probably a rather romantic glorification, but I'm aware of it.

Though on the other hand, there are some Asians who aren't really my type(at least if it comes down to looks only) and those are mostly girls from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia or India. But yeah, if you read this blog, you've to keep in mind that I'm just being blunt and I wouldn't say a person who ever gave too much about looks in a girl in his past I think there's nothing wrong if finally, I give in to some pure there? And hey, just cos I didn't meet a girl there yet who's really my type, it doesn't mean that this won't happen, right? I mean, take just the 4 countries I named and you'll get a potential 1,5 billion people and among them probably more than 50% girls, maybe 40% of them in an interesting age...leaves much chances, doesn't it?

III. Do I love only Asians?

I guess I partially answered that question in answer no. 2...but I'll try to explain it more precise maybe.

It's true, whenever I see Asians in Germany, my first thought is:
"Damn, wow, an ASIAN!!!I wanna be his/her best friend, I want to know all about him/her, I want to date her!"

And everytime I see them near me or even being on the same bus like me, I feel like I'm being tortured...then my only wish is that I'd be alone with this person, so I could approach him/her without any hassle of the narrow-minded Germans around me. But of course my wish never comes true, so I've to see the object of my desire, slowly being taken away from my life as fast as he or she came into it:'(. What a rip off!

And beside having these thoughts, I'm also pushing my self-confidence by guessing the nationality of the person...most of the time, it's quite easy, since most Asians here are Chinese...but I really start to develop an eye for this, and I'm sure I saw a few Indonesians, Thais and Vietnamese lately too...

So yeah, I love Asians...BUT not only...

Surprisingly, I also catch myself, being attracted by a ethnic group I didn't know I'd even still be aware of: CAUCASIANS!
Now everyone who knows me since a while, knows that I really despise them(even I'm one of them, but hey, I didn't ask for it, right?) and that my opinion about Caucasian girls-how can I put this politely-isn't really the best. Yet I've to say, they usually got the ability to divert my attention from other things or channel it onto them, especially if they have some "Asian features", like black hair or, not actually Asian(I guess), if they seem to be quite dark, gloomy and very self-confident, yet also self-centered. Thought it might be mostly simple sexual attraction, I've to say that some of these girls would really be my type...but too bad that I've closed that chapter a long time ago and I decided not to lower myself anymore by courting anyone like that...and I haven't been in the situation lately that I happened to be alone with any of those mysterious unlucky, isn't it?

Now in conclusion, I still couldn't really open the mystery box and find out what it is that fascinates me so much about Asians( but only a certain type of them). But I sure as hell know that if you see a guy in Germany, almost drawling and walking mechanically without much thinking after some Asian girl-well, that's probably me just say hi and introduce me to yourself and all your Asian friends, why don't you;)?

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