Freitag, 9. Mai 2008

Déjà vu

Haven’t we been here yet?Didn’t I pass this moment already?Doesn’t this look familiar?

Déjà vu’s are a part of our daily life...but they’re still a very special thing to me...

Because they give me the feeling that our life is some sort of weird feels our dreams we have each night aren’t really dreams...that once we’d fall asleep, our soul or mind leaves our body...and we’re going on a journey with lightspeed, to some parallel universe or to the REAL world...or that the dream world is at least another excisting if there’s a déjà vu, I feel like there’s a malfunction in THEIR’s like I’m dreaming, but I’m aware of it...I feel confused and disoriented...I’d need more time to gain all my senses and become a real danger to THEM...but there’s never enough mind tries to realize and make us of the impressions I’m under at that moment...but it’s never enough time for me...

I know this feeling from my daily life and sometimes from my dreams at night...and I’ve been pondering about it many times...but right here and right now, it’s a very nice comparison to my situation...

Because lately, I really start feeling like this can’t be all true seems just too ludicrous and life feels like some sort of joke to me.
Sure, I’m older now, I’m more mature(maybe?), more experienced(definitely) and more sarcastic...but the same things still happen somehow...the people and things to happen may vary, they might come along, using a disguise... but somehow, it’s still all the same...

Our whole life seems to be so dull and so my eyes, we don’t have too many choices...we’re born, we’ll go to kindergarten(to be prepared for school), then we’ve to go to school(to be prepared for work) and then we’ll start working...and for what?
To have enough money when we’re too old to work and to be able to buy us food, shelter, warmth and a few, little distractions to surpress the fact that we’re actually living a very boring life, working like ants for our cluster...

So there aren’t many choices...the lack of money doesn’t give them to us...from our birth, we’re being drilled to try to reach a certain level of wealth...yet we hardly get the tools to be more than a worker’s just enough to keep us thinking that we actually DO count and that we’d be actually MORE than a slave...

Though, if through some happy coincidence, we DO get some more money, we can quickly see how money,(and only money)can open us more doors...the more money you have, the less things you’re forced to do...if you’re a millionaire, it’s not mandatory to work to earn the money for food, shelter and warmth...and without this duty, you’ll have more freedoms and more’ll have the time now, to find out what you could actually do with your life, once you aren’t part of the system anymore...or let’s say, once you’re a member of the elite BEYOND the system...

So how come that even most people should be aware of this, still don’t make use of their chances?I guess the answer is simple:

We’re all slaves of our own comfort...we’re simply too lazy or feel like it’s too much work and too many sacrifices to most people might complain about the life they live and the status they have...but comfort(combined with a lack of education maybe) keeps them silent and they won’t try too hard...

There’s something gotta change about let’s start!

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