Montag, 14. April 2008


Lately I’ve been realizing that I’m living in a constant state of stress…I think it’s not just my problem though, I think it’s a problem that everyone has…life became so stressful. We wake up, we go to work, we come home, we eat something, we watch some tv maybe or read a book and then it’s time to go to bed again...and at the weekends, we don’t do that much either... some people party a lot, others prefer to stay home to “relax” and stress out...but isn’t this all dellusional?

I’ve realized that even it’s weekend, I’m still under tension...I’m giving myself stress!

And why? Well...I think that’s because we got used to it...the modern life gave us new free time...there are dish washing machines, laundry machines, tv remote controls...they all gave us new free time...but we don’t know what to do with that free time!Or more precisely, we have TOO MANY ideas what to do with that free time. So we’re giving ourself stress since we want to make the best out of the time we’ve...and our whole life is structured in some least that’s what I feel...even when I lay in bed, I feel like I’m constantly short on time, because there are current problems, running through my head, but just one plain view on my clock near me shows me that I don’t have the time now to think about the problems, it’s time to I keep pushing the problems in front of me and keep them always in a certain distance...but of course, they’re becoming a big pile and sooner or later, it tumbles down on me...and I’ve to face a lot of problems, which, if seen as a single prob, would have been easy to be solved, but as a whole, they’re a mess, they’re already one big negative effect on my(our) why do we keep doing this? Why are we giving ourself such artificial stress?

I think we simply forgot how to “switch off” and just mellow out...maybe the big variety of choices, that’s being offered by our modern civilization just overwhelmed’s proved by scientist that a big choice makes people insecure...while if there’s only a simple choice(like black n white or rain and shunshine),people can choose much easier...

So what’s the conclusion here? Should we make life just more simple? And if yes, how could we do that? Aren’t we all slaves of comfort in some way? Wouldn’t it be so liberating if we’d just leave all our possessions and our property behind? If you don’t own anything, you don’t have to worry about losing you’d have less stress...and you’d have less choices...cos choices come along with wealth...or with the urge to reach a certain level of it...but that’s because the hunt for money became mandatory already...without money, you can’t afford food or shelter or warmth, etc...yet, how has it been a few hundred years ago? Even now, there are still savages who live in the woods or deserts...they don’t know about things like stress...cos they are free to make any decision...but they’re infected by the “so called” blessings of the civilization...and just look at the formerly proud empires or savages of yesterday...look at the Native Americans...and how aren’t more than a bunch of booze hounds and casino owners now...look at the Zulu in Africa or the Massai...and how they’re not more than a tourist attraction...look at Tibet...look at the savages in Australia, South America, Indochina...whenever they’ve been FORCED into civilization AGAINST their will, it’s been their end in some can’t say that ANYONE of them feels better now or lives happily...

While in the past, they didn’t have to worry about much, they could hunt for their food and find shelter under big banana leaves and drink from unpolluted rivers, they’re now forced to learn languages they don’t know and live in cultures they can’t understand, in socities in which they aren’t accepted to work for things they had for free that progress?

And it leads back to my question, stress, and how we keep our stress level high without a clear reason...maybe it’s simply our trial to distract ourself from the unpleasant truth that we’re all the victims of the ghosts we’ve invited...

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