Freitag, 28. März 2008

Love?It's ludicrous!

Ow man…it makes me sick!!!All the people around me, being in love...being so naive to think they can actually love a person and that it would last...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!As if there’d be such a thing like everlasting love!What’s love anyhow, but a permanent mindf**k?

I really can’t stand it anymore...all their romantic crap!All their hopes,dreams and makes me so sick!Love doesn’t really excist,folks,love is just a weakness we’ve to overcome...nothing can make us more vulnerable like love!Nature doesn’t know love...only the love of an animal for it’s offspring. And even then, it’s mostly temporary and always rational, never Lions who’d do it with their own daughters or eat them if their mothers wouldn’t watch them...

So since nature is created from god’s hand and god is perfect...doesn’t that mean that nature and the natural circulation is perfect too?And that humanity should follow it’s rules?But what are natures rules?To frolic freely and to multiply our own kind!But there’s nothing mentioned about love...and let’s face some way, it seems to be a new trend...people meet up...they meet for nothing but sex or a few days to’s all temporary...and after that,they move on like aren’t all the people who still believe in love and deceive themself with their corny sweet lies, day in, day out, aren’t they like a relict?Like something that’s too oldfashioned and too traditional and conservative to survive in our quick stop, fast food, fast everything society?

And aren’t guys and girls going into a relationship with totally different perceptions?A girl usually tends to have slightly unrealistic(and unfair) expectations...many girls still sit in their ivory tower and wait for Prince Charming and oversee that they aren’t supposed to be so picky, because everything has rough edges and nothing’s for free...

And guys...they seem to see girls very often as nothing but a sexual entertainment park or a handy cooking- cleaning- and ironing machine...

So why don’t they just cut the crap?Why are they such hypocrites?Do they really think that they are so much better than all the others, who failed with love?Do they think they won’t make the same mistakes like the others already did?
So why not going back to the old principe of mother nature?Women and Men should only gather for reproductional reasons and then split again.It would be much more rational, since guys aren’t really meant to be loyal and women aren’t really meant to love a burden(men), nature gave them only enough feelings for their own see, while guys are already happy to keep their genes in the race by spreading their semen to as many women they can(despite race or other things), women prefer to watch the growth and the development of their genes...but none of this things have something to do with the romantic love we’re facing after it’s been brought to us by the end,it’s all about our genes...and if you know a bit about genes,you can even laugh because it’s so ridiculous and ludicrous of us to think that we could really reach relative immortality by creating a small likeness of ourself...because already in the 2nd generation that follows, the number of original genes in that persons body is down to less than 1%...

So why do we have love?The romantic one?Where does it come from?This imagination that we can really love one person for the rest of our life while mother nature proves that we aren’t meant to do it all a cosmical test?Should it teach us to be rational and not emotional?Maybe...because those few couple who really made it to stick together for a lifetime are surely not feeling “Love” as those romanticly idealized people who believe in immortal love...they rather used their senses and sticked together for reasons like paying lower taxes or paying off the house or because they realized that it’s nicer to die with company than alone...and we all know,misery LOVES company!

Or does it excist to idealize our view on the future?Should we have unrealistic hopes so we won’t realize that our existance hasn’t really a good reason or use for ourself?

Well, I can only ask those questions, you’ve to answer it yourself like I have to...

But I want to add...I wasn’t always like this...I know for sure that I believed in this whole thing quite a long time ago...but everyone who gets in touch with it should be aware that it’s just a lie...and even you can surpress or ignore that knowledge, sooner or later the magic will be fading and therefore, depressing realism is taking place...that’s what happened to me...I’m a slave of logic and reason now. Did I ask for it? I wish I could turn back times and get another shot?Hell yeah, especially if I see all those couples around me that I mentioned above...but can I do anything?We aren’t in control of our own feelings...our feelings control us!So I can only pray to god that he’ll find me my pink glasses again and I can put them on and see the world in a slightly unrealistic way again...but even it’s all so absurd and mindnumbing, so irrational and stupid...we all pass the moments in our life where we feel like we’d do everything for love...too bad that mine already passed...

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