Sonntag, 16. März 2008


Now that I’ve got your attention...well,nah, let’s be serious...What is it about sex?For many people, sex seems to be nothing special anymore, they do it with everyone at any time.

But why?Is sex really that great?Or is it just another delusion?I don’t quite get it...

For me,sex hasn’t been something magical yet...It was more like sport, I was sweating and sweating and it didn’t feel like much why did I even have sex yet?Isn’t it a matter of fact nowadays that our society seems to propagate sex to us?It’s like a they say:”You need to have sex, you need to have sex as soon as you can, you need to have sex with as many persons as possible and at almost any time.”

And if you don’t take part in this race, it’s like you’re an outkast...and who wants to risk that?
But what happened to moral?To personal values?What happened to sex as a special bonding between two people who are in love with each other?
I think sex was made for two reasons: reproduction and to give us a chance to share something so exclusively with another person we love that it can help us to keep this relationship special. But is it still special if we do that with everyone? If we do it for fun?With strangers?I don’t know...experience teached me that it’s just like so many other things,people make a big fuss about it while it’s not that special after all...they just want us to think it is while it’s not.You’ve to be pretty naive to be happy with sex only in my eyes...

But there’s one good thing about sex...every time I had sex,I felt so free and in peace with myself’s been like meditation...I finally defeated the inner urge that says SEX SEX SEX all the time and ALL my thoughts were gathered together, I could really think clearly without any wonder the Greek philosophs had those lust boys;)...

So in conclusion, what can we say about sex, what can I say about it?I didn’t experience sex with love yet, I don’t know if I ever will...but I sure as hell do know that it’s never a good idea to have sex with someone you like if your only purpose to have it is fun...

Sex might be nice or not...but it’s not the only thing in our life, it’s not the best thing we can find...there’s something better than sex in our life, something better than money...but I still try to figure out what it is...I just doubt that it’s sex...

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