Dienstag, 18. März 2008

At night, all cats are black

Yesterday, I’ve been to Stuttgart. I had something to do there, my lawyer called me late in the evening and sent me to the court for social issues, I should throw in a letter into their mail box...but it was already 7pm and it was dark outside...of course I didn’t feel that anxious to go there at this late time, especially since it’s in a part of Stuttgart where my ticket isn’t valid anymore...so I had to use a ticket that I keep since more than a year now, which I wanted to use for another purpose, but yeah, what can you do...

I left the house and walked to the bus stop...freezing in the little hut while I waited for the bus...some stupid girls came and asked me for cigarettes while the other 2 of them made fun of me or something...gosh, why are my countrymen such a bunch of creeps and weirdos?They make me sick!Are people really still surprised why I don’t want to tag along with them?
They call me antisocial at work and everywhere...but is it antisocial or just sane to avoid such jackasses?And hey, they can ask anyone at work,I’m still a very good pretender and I can still do a nice small talk and make the people at work feel comfy when they talk to me...and it’s at least a nice distraction at work to mess with them or manipulate them or use their stupid gossip and their rumours against them. Funny though, many of them seem to look up to me and come and ask me stuff cos they all seem to think I’m so witted...well, just so nobody get’s me wrong, I’ve nothing against most collegues at work(ok,some, but those are the exceptations), it’s just that I’m not really interested in their lifes...sometimes, it can be interesting, since it’s kinda like a soap opera and even soap operas aren’t my cup of tea, but a prisoner isn’t supposed to complain about the kind of entertainment they offer him, he has to be happy about everything he can get, right?
So anyhow,I’m drifting off from the topic. The bus came, I went aboard...kinda like every morning, just that it’s been evening this time...almost night.

I felt quite comfy to drive at night...like in my own cocoon...arriving at the bus main station, i had to walk over to the train station to go aboard the S-Bahn...it wasn’t very warm, but yeah, at least warmer than in the morning. I started reading my economical magazine in the train while I was on my way to the center of Stuttgart. Once I arrived there,I realized how long I haven’t been there anymore...even it was already after closing time for the stores, there was still pretty much traffic and many people froliced around freely...a nice melting pot of all cultures...Asians...Arabs...Germans...

Well, I went out to the Königsstrasse(big shopping mile in Stuttgart) and saw the many signs of commercialization...Starbucks...Sushi bars...bankers and their fancy top model catalogue girlfriends,eating the sushi...I felt kinda envious with those yuppies...I mean, why couldn’t it be me who’s eating in there? What makes them so much better? I bet I could beat them in many things...well...

But I’ve to admit,I kinda liked to see the changes...maybe it was the night?Because the last time I’ve been there,i saw everything in daylight and felt quite depressed...but this time, it even reminded me of the moloch that Jakarta always has been for me...just a bit smaller, but hey, it’s Germany, everything’s smaller here...taman mini...a lot of things changed since my last visit in that area,maybe 3-5 years ago. And it looked damn cool at night!

I was walking around, trying to find that particular street where the court takes place. But I had no street map and so I had to trust in my luck. At least I found the stock exchange quite soon and since I was very curious, I climbed on a balcony to take a peek inside the building...but I just saw a lady behind her desk and I thought before she thinks I’m a peeping tom and calls the police, I better run:D.

The further i walked, the darker it got...but I wasn’t scared, I just loved to see the old architecture and the patchwork population of the city, with many different kind of nations, maybe because I was near the university?I walked through a park and saw the universities library...made me wonder how it’d be to be a student here...brrr!How depressing:S!I couldn’t stand living there,really...even I enjoyed to be there at night, but gee...in the daylight, it would have freaked me out for sure!

Well, I walked around for a while until I found out that I was walking in the wrong direction and I found my way back to where I came from,realizing that I already passed the court, but without knowing it...so i throw in the letter and made myself on the way back home.

I felt a certain melancholy in my heart...I don’t know, but I think urban areas at night are somewhat the most romantic thing I can imagine...maybe it’s this mix out of silence and impressive architecture?Or something else?I really don’t know WHAT it is, but it’s MAGIC!

It perfectly matches with my everlasting wanderlust...

I’ve been like this since a few years...even as a child, I always loved the night...and being on the road again at night...maybe because it’s like meditation, it helps me to clear my head and think clearly...

It reminds me of those movies where lonely heroes or heroines are strolling through their(mostly Asian) cities, usually it takes place at night. There’s something about the night that makes ugly things become nice to me...like a technicolor dreamcoat that makes everything look so much better!

I managed to take the last train and bus home...but I’m still fascinated and touched by the deep impact that this night gave me...I think it’s the missing link between things in my past and the present...and maybe even the future...it’ll take further investigations to find out more about this...

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