Dienstag, 18. März 2008

Being humble

It’s been not even 3 months yet in this new year…but there’ve been new situations, changes, things that are different in my life now. And I realized that I’ve to be thankful and if I really want to be more mature, I have to make a next step not just in selected parts of my life and my personality, but in EVERY part of me. So I decided that I’ve to be more humble and honest to everyone and with everyone. I’m supposed to be grateful for the things that god offers me now and I’ve to take my chances. Otherwise, I’ll mourn about it in the future. I don’t want to risk to lose everything I wanted, just because I can’t bring myself to the next level. But I see everything in danger, I see myself drifting apart from my own standards and I see myself in danger to become a hypocrite. Either I’ve to change my own values and ideas about moral and other things or I’ve to be honest with myself and others and admit that I’ve changed in many ways, even about things that I consider rather unpleasant.

I don’t know, I keep blaming others for their immaturity, for their ignorance, for their imbecil way how they treat others or try to live with them...but am I really better than they are? Maybe...or maybe not! I definitely have to do some rather unpleasant things now, unpleasant for myself...I’ve to tell some unpleasant truths to me and others and I’ve to be strict and goal oriented. Or I’ll be in the high danger to lose not just many friends and chances, but I’ll run in danger to lose myself and to slightly change without even noticing it. And I don’t want that to happen!

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