Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007

LOL (and why I hate it)

laughing out loud...that's what this obnoxious abriefiation stands for...why do people have to say it?It's like their brain is leeking or what?I don't know,but I really don't like abriefiations like this one or laughing my ass's so shallow...I mostly hear it from people who really fulfill a certain stereotype...and I don't understand why they've to use it...ok,some just have to show how dumb they are,but that's not the majority...language can come along in so many can express yourself,your thoughts,your feelings in so many different ways...and all they can say is this?You can see,I'm even too disgusted to write it down...I'm boycotting this "word"!I think a nice and decent smiley will do it also...I mean,just to imagine that someone laughs out loud sounds much better to me than sounds like someone peed his pants...or like he's's like that person can't really speak or offense to the many people who use this every day,but don't you feel like you're SOOO much a slave of a trend?If I'd start to say ssa from now on(standing for such stupid assholes),would people start to say that either,if I'd just spread it like a virus?Would they even bother what it stands for?Or could I tell them it stands for such smart amigos?
Gee,todays world can really be a nuts house...we blame people that they followed "trends" like the Holocaust or the genocoid of the Armenians and many other things...but who blames those people for hurting my eyes,mind and sense of culture with their abriefiations?Arrrgh,help me pls:S

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