Samstag, 26. Januar 2008

I'm so tired of this

Are there only mindless people left on this planet? How come that people are so quick to judge others without any prove? Just by things that they see? Don’t they know that the eye can deceive the mind? I really don’t understand it sickens me!
I can understand that people are assuming things and I think it’s just human. Everyone does it. I assume either of course...but I learned one thing from my past: If I make an assumption, I’ve to make sure that I’ve a prove for everything that I assume! To speak out loud what you’re assuming is the biggest mistake you can possibly make! You’ll just ruin many things! And for what? Just to be too quick with your judgement?
I’m so tired of all those wise guys and smart ass people who think they know everything or that they’d know me so perfectly! How could they? Maybe if they’d be a psychiatrist or something like that...or trained in hostage negotiations...but honestly, I don’t have any friends or people I know like that! It just shows a certain ignorance or a certain tendency to think they’d be superior if they behave like this.

Well, at least it’s a genderless problem...both, either guys and girls are pretty good in assumptions...and I know the craziest stories about people who ruined not just their but also the life of others, just because they didn’t ask but act the guy I know, he’s above 40, he assumed that I had sex with his gf, just because I didn’t want to meet her and told him that I didn’t meet her(I didn’t want to meet her BECAUSE i knew that he’s so jealous). He broke up with her after a one year relationship or so, just because of his suspects...and I bet there are many cases in history where someone killed another person, just because he saw that person running for example and thought he stole something...or a guy saw his girl with another guy,hugging him...and who knows, he might have killed that guy, just to find out that it was her cousin or something like that...

As for me, I’m facing a lot of assumptions myself right now...I made a simple test 2 weeks ago, when I posted the picture of a female classmate and me, writing “This is my new “gf”;)” under it...putting it in exclamation marks, to show that it’s ironic and used the winking smiley to make it more obvious...yet I got many comments and messages from people who said congratulations because I’d have a new gf now...

But I this my reputation? Does everyone think that I can’t be alone for a few days? Does everyone think I’m a sort of playboy or something like that?

I know, i didn’t really care about people’s opinion too much...but this is kinda concerning I’s not really good if people start to spread rumours about you, whether you care about it or not...and most of all, it’s making me quite angry.

But I guess it’s been my fault either...I’m just being tired that I’ve to explain people that I’m not having any girlfriends right now...I’m totally ok with my status as single right now, because I don’t feel like I’d be ready for another relationship at this very moment.

I’m so tired of people who’re pushing me or who’re trying to push me into something...and why do they blame me if I’m saying no in a polite way?
I know that in the past, it’s been hard for me to say no because I felt a lot of pity and didn’t want to refuse anyone...but either way, you can not really live up to girls demands...maybe to guys demands either, don’t know about that....

It’s like girls are living in another world...they’ve things they demand and rules they’re asking you not to break...but in the same time, those rules aren’t the rules they’ve to keep!

Girls don’t want a guy to be a liar...but whenever I prefered to tell them the truth and not to lie, I’ve been blamed and hated for that! While at the few times I was lying, the girls’ve been so happy and glad about that! It’s like they prefer to keep living in a dream world and not to wake up and face the truth! And too bad, I’m just not the kind of guy who wants to lie all the time...that’s just not me!

I just don’t understand why girls keep asking for things and standards they’re not really searching for...or they tell you only half of the when girls say that things like appereance doesn’t matter, it only matters if you’ve a good heart and a good personality...I bet there are a zillion ugly weirdos who have a great heart and personality but without a great why aren’t the girls rather honest then and finish the sentence, kinda like this:
”Look isn’t important, it’s better if you’ve a great heart and long as you’re a handsome guy, because that will make your heart and personality so attractive for me that I can just lie about the reality”

I mean it’s a matter of fact that I don’t really see many couples like that, where an ugly guy(or girl) has a beautiful girlfriend(boyfriend).

I mean, ok, guys are lying equally about this...but most guys aren’t smart enough or just too lazy to be good liars...from what I could see, it was usually pretty obvious, it’s like they had their intentions tattooed on their forehead...yet many girls still didn’t mind to go with them, even the guys intentions and the girls propagated intention and moral values didn’t really match...but yeah, why bother about my words from yesterday, right? If opportunity comes knocking, these walls are rocking...or something like really sickens me!

So what’s the solution for this problem? I can’t think of a solution that would really work...the group of ignorant people is way too strong and they’re way too many to make a change possible...I guess I have to stick with my very own way, being a pioneer for myself and anyone who’d like to follow(even I don’t expect anyone doing it) and hoping that I’ll find companions for my long and lonesome journey...but so far, I’m still walking alone...

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